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2025 WIJI New Year's Clinic and Training

Event Information

Online Registration link at bottom of the page

Registration Deadline: Friday, January 10th

Sanctioned by:

  • United States Judo Federation (USJF) Event #: 25-01-01

Date & Location:

Eligibility & Purpose:

  • This event is open to junior and senior judoka age 7 and older.  It will provide an opportunity to develop judo skills through a technical clinic and training session with judoka from different dojos

  • All participants must be currently registered and members in good standing with one of the following organizations: United States Judo Federation, Inc. (USJF), USA Judo (USJI), and/or the United States Judo Association (USJA), with proof of current insurance coverage

Featured Clinician:

  • Toni Lettner- German Nation Champion, Multiple -Time International Champion and Medalist, and Personal & Preparation Coach for Ole Bischof/GER (2008 Olympic Champion) and Aleksei Budolin/EST (2000 Olympic Bronze)

Training Session:

  • We plan on doing newaza and tachiwaza randori with an opportunity to ask the clinician questions after each randori session.  The goal is to develop new techniques and get in shape for the upcoming local events.


  • Event Fee- $40 (USJF and USJA members) (includes lunch provided by WIJI)

    $45 (USA Judo members) (includes lunch provided by WIJI)

  • Event fee will be paid though PayPal, a PayPal payment request will be sent after online registration is completed


9 am-10 am               Arrive/Check in

1o am-12 pm             Technical Clinic

12 pm-1 pm Lunch (provided by WIJI)

1 pm-3:00 pm Training Session

Things To Bring:

  • Your current membership card

  • Clean judo gi, any individual with a dirty, smelly, or poorly maintained gi will be not be permitted to workout

  • A towel to dry yourself as needed during breaks and after the workouts

  • A water bottle to stay hydrated

  • Footwear - zori, slippers, sandals, & etc. to keep your feet clean off the mat.

Video Recording:

  • People may video record the instruction and the training for personal/private use. 

For more information, please contact:

Michael Eldred,, 208-412-8246 (cell)


Effective immediately, the following shall apply to all USJF Dojos and all USJF events, local and national:


  1. USJF events will follow jurisdictional COVID-19 guidelines provided by the local/state health department and/or appropriate government entities

  2. COVID testing is not a requirement from the USJF national office

  3. Testing may be required at the discretion of the event medical director, depending on local conditions

  4. International competitors from outside the United States will need to follow COVID-19 Testing and other

    protocols as required by the US State Department/CDC.


1. There is no COVID-19 vaccine requirement for athletes, referees, staff, vendors, or spectators. However, COVID-19 vaccines are highly encouraged.


  1. Masking should follow local/state health department guidelines

  2. There is no masking requirement from the USJF national office

Symptom Screening:

  1. Symptoms screening, visitor logs, or temperature checks are not required

  2. Symptom screening may be performed at the discretion of the head sensei, or event medical director

  3. Individuals actively experiencing symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, and fatigue should not



  1. Continue to sanitize/wash hands frequently

  2. Clean mats and equipment regularly

Returning to Activity after COVID Infection:

  1. Members who were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms may return to activity on a gradual basis after an appropriate period of isolation. Please visit the CDC website for isolation guidelines: []

  2. Members who require hospitalization or experience new or prolonged cardiopulmonary symptoms should

    consult with their personal physician BEFORE returning to activity

  3. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult your personal physician